Booking a patient into the PCN Hub

How to book a patient into the

All patients across the PCN have access to any of the PCN Shared Clinics in the hub. This guide will outline how to find the PCN Clinic appointments in your own Practice Appointment Book and book a slot.

Find the patient you would like to book into the PCN Clinic and go to your Appointment Book. In the top left hand corner of the screen, select the ‘Find Slot’ drop down and then click ‘Find cross-organisational slot’.

Select the Hub Organisation - Sowe Valley PCN

If the patient has never attended the hub before they will not have been registered and therefore no Available appointments will be listed.  Therefore they will need to be booked in as an unregistered patient.  Next to the patient field click on the search glass and in the Patient Trace window click on the book as an unregistered patient link

All available appointments will now be listed.  Users can use Slot Type to find the appropriate slot or select Advanced Criteria

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